R. I. P. Christopher Hitchens

16 Dec

I didn’t get it when people cried after Steve Jobs died. It’s not as if they knew him. Now I get it. The idea that you can feel really heartbroken about the death of someone you never even met.

Christopher Hitchens was the one I turned to whenever the nonsense at Christian college got to be too much. Reading one of his books or watching a video clip of a particularly good Hitchens argument, or “Hitch Slap”, was more than enough to make me feel as if things weren’t all that hopeless. Being able to laugh at his take on religion, in the place I am in, was such a relief.

Now he’s gone. And I can’t help but feel as if the world is a bit bleaker.

4 Responses to “R. I. P. Christopher Hitchens”

  1. goldfish December 16, 2011 at 11:35 AM #

    I let out a little involuntary gasp when I heard. In a sense, it does feel like an old friend has died. RIP, Hitch.

  2. Kari Hummel January 7, 2012 at 7:24 PM #

    I am glad for your post. I am reading the God Delusion right now but I was tempted by Hitchens book “God is Not Great.” I have not seen much about him but I do know that he was one of the powerhouses of Atheism and so I respected him for what I knew he had to offer. I look forward to reading his books and I was also hurt to see his death. The worst was to see the Christian response. I look forward to seeing what he had to offer in his lifetime. Everyone wants to be remembered in death. Hitchens will never be forgotten.

    *cheers* Chris


  3. fuck religion. March 16, 2012 at 1:02 PM #

    I think this will bring a light to your day : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LZJ-_OTvsqo
    you may have already seen it.

    greetings and regards from a random in Australia šŸ™‚

  4. joe schmo February 12, 2013 at 9:30 AM #

    so the world is bleaker by a man dying who spewed more hatred than the people he hated and said spewed hatred? oh and believed that the world is random and meaningless but that we could try and find meaning in the world by things that have shown throughout history not to bring meaning. makes a lot of sense

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